Hosted by the Ҵýapp Southern California Chapter
Please join us for our annual Classical Moldings class. This three hour intensive class provides an introduction to understanding the use and rationale of the classical moldings. Moldings are the basic building blocks of classical buildings, the “atomic units” at the very heart of the classical language of architecture, and a working knowledge of moldings is the starting point for a thoughtful approach to design. Students of all abilities will find interest and value in this fast-paced introduction.
Students will learn the basics of the moldings and their purpose, and they will draw the classical moldings freehand in their sketchbook. Then students will discover techniques for the correct use of moldings in their work, and strategies for employing them for greatest effect. Whether your goal is to lay out a correct Doric column, or to design a beautifully embellished formal room, a practical understanding of the classical moldings and the rationale for their purpose and use is indispensable to the design practitioner.
Erik Evens is a lifelong resident of California, born and raised in Los Angeles. He is the principal of Evens Architects, a boutique design studio operating under the aegis of the KAA Design Group, and specializing in classical and traditional residential design. His work has been published in a wide array of publications, including Architectural Digest, Luxe, Milieu, Traditional Home and Western Interiors.
This event is hosted by an Ҵýapp Chapter. Please check the Chapter website or contact the Chapter directly for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
1. To understand the rationale of the moldings as the foundational building blocks of the classical orders.
2. To learn how to categorize the classical moldings by geometry and by function.
3. To learn to draw the essential classical moldings freehand.
4. To be introduced to advanced refinements and decorative embellishments of the moldings.