
  7 events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
The Elements of Classical Architecture: The Tuscan Order in Design, Parts I & II with Mark Jackson
The Art of Measured Field Drawing: The Battery Park City Pavilion of Demetri Porphyrios with Stephen Chrisman
The Art of Measured Field Drawing: The Battery Park City Pavilion of Demetri Porphyrios with Stephen Chrisman
Sketching Michigan Avenue’s Classical Treasures
The Art of Measured Field Drawing: The Battery Park City Pavilion of Demetri Porphyrios with Stephen Chrisman
The Art of Measured Field Drawing: The Battery Park City Pavilion of Demetri Porphyrios with Stephen Chrisman
Case Studies in New Classical & Traditional Design: Cincinnati Music Hall with Andreas Lange and Thea Tjepkema
The Elements of Classical Architecture: The Tuscan Order in Design, Parts I & II with Mark Jackson
Introduction to the Classical Orders: The Ionic Order
THOLOS Tutorial: The Classical Mind

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